To do this head over to Addon Installer for Kodi download page and download the latest available version as zip file. This Kodi add-on simplifies installation of many other addons. How to install Addon installer on Kodi (aka Fusion Installer) from Zip file (Method 1). The zip will now download and tell you the location of the download (which will always be the Download directory on your Firestick) DO NOT select Open Folder or Open File just press the Home button on your Firestick and launch Kodi (which can now be found under - Settings > Applications > Manage Installed Applications) and select SYSTEM. Now, you need to follow the steps mentioned below. Firstly, you need to download Kodi Bae Repository Zip File and save it onto your computer. Another method to install cCloud TV Kodi add-on is to download it directly using the repository zip file. On your home screen, go to addons which you can. It will be saved as plexus.repository-stream-1.0.0.zip.

Download repository plexus stream from here. In order to install Plexus kodi addon, first of all download the two files from the link I provided below.