The ALT button can be held down in conjunction with other buttons in order to change their functionality. Press Ok and the selected function button is now ready to be used.Example: if you wanted a button to start recording, select Start Recording. These correspond to the F1, F2 and F3 keys on the Control Surface. Click the Key drop down and scroll down to SurfaceF1, SurfaceF2, SurfaceF3.Click Add and a new window opens, with drop down menus showing usable keys and available vMix shortcuts.To program the Function buttons, open up the settings window in vMix and click the Shortcuts tab.Press the number of the input on the Preview row that you want to assign to Preview. This will cut or take the input directly to output without any transitions.

Press the number of the input on the Program row that you want to assign to the Program or Output. If an overlay channel has an active input, the corresponding input will light up. To see which inputs are currently active on each overlay channel, you can cycle through the 4 DSK buttons.Button 6 will then light up indicating that input 6 is overlaid on channel 1 of the chosen input. Example: if you have a lower third title in input 6, press button 6 on the Overlay row. Press the desired input you wish to overlay.It will now light up indicating overlay channel one on the first 12 inputs is ready to be used. Example: if you want to overlay an input on channel 1, press the DSK1 button. Select the Overlay channel you wish to use.The DSK buttons on the Control Surface correspond to the 1 through 4 numbers underneath each input in vMix. These are also known as Down Stream Keyers (DSK) because the graphics are usually "keyed" over live video after any upstream effects are applied. In vMix, graphics placed on top of other sources are known as Overlays.